Do you ever eat peanut butter and while you’re eating it, you think “This is exactly what i was born to do”? If you do, you’re not alone. Hi, my name is Nishtha and i think i have some serious obsession with peanut butter which has turned into an addiction lately. There is nothing that a big spoon of peanut butter can’t be married into from PB&J to Thai Curry. Give me a big stack of Protein Pancakes with Peanut Butter and a big mug of Black Coffee after a heavy lifting session at the gym and i am set! Bring me a jar of peanut butter and a box of protein, and we’re friends. πŸ™‚ I swear if i could turn putting peanut butter in every recipe a paying job, i would be employed for eternity. Not even joking!

So coming back to food, anyone who knows me knows that ever since i was a kid, i have always had this immense passion for cooking. I would get into the kitchen and try making the recipes just out of nowhere. And then when i look back at that time, i understand why i was always a fat kid because all i used to do was cook-eat-sleep-repeat and the concept of exercising was alien to me. I was a happy kid happy to eat anything and everything. πŸ™‚

So how did this chubby-eat-all-the-food-sight-can-see kinda girl get into fitness anyway?
I have a huge blessing in my life who i call My Brother! Ever since i remember, i have seen him always putting his fitness and body first. He’d get back from work, tired and still make it a point to work out. And there i’d be sitting and thinking – “Just eat and go to bed Bhaiya”. So honestly, i got my motivation from him. He has always been my inspiration. He still is and always will be.

And then after being taunted by him for looking like an elephant for god knows how many years, i decided that i no longer wanted to look like a 100kg behemoth. I started improving my eating habits, joined a gym and was introduced to weight lifting. And after years of ups and downs, here i am trying to strike a balance between health and taste and i’ll always be committed to do that. It’s not just lifting or working out anymore, it’s therapy for me.

That doesn’t mean i don’t indulge in desserts or eat out. Yes, i eat burgers and pizzas. I believe food and fitness go hand in hand. Believe it or not you can be a food lover and still be healthy. One should be able to take control of their health without sacrificing indulgence, isn’t it? So I thought to myself, why not share with the rest of the world some healthy food ideas and ways to be excited about food and still be healthy? And so i decided to start a platform to combine my passions for food and fitness and to share how i’ve shifted my mindset from dieting and restriction to food freedom. Remember, starving yourself is not the solution. CARBS ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY. EATING FATS WON’T MAKE YOU FAT.

So, stay tuned for some amazing recipes that would be healthy and still please your taste buds. I understand that many people have different food preferences and i’ll try to be as creative and thoughtful as i can to give you all amazing content. Also, i’ll be posting some of the workouts that i do in my daily routine to give you guys a better understanding of my relationship with food and fitness. Lastly, if you guys have any tips or anything you might want to add to any of my posts, please comment and let me know or you could just reach out to me at I am very much looking forward to hearing from you guys.

Wake Up!
Drink Coffee!
Eat Healthy!
Give Joy!
Be Awesome!

16 Comments Add yours

  1. Tarun khullar says:

    Superb God bless puter

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Chachu πŸ˜€


  2. Alka Dhingra says:

    All the best πŸ‘ I will wait for some healthy recipes

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Aunty πŸ™‚


  3. Manjit Singh says:

    Excellent approach. Must say your Punjabi genes are as active as your tastebuds. All the best and Good Luck!!!


    1. Thankyou so much πŸ™‚


  4. Parvesh Soni says:

    The beginning is so exciting. I am sure the journey will be even more fun filled as well as tummy filled. 😊😊😊

    Look forward to your updates

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Parvesh Soni says:

    The beginning is so exciting. I am sure the journey will be even more fun filled as well as tummy filled. 😊😊😊

    Look forward to your updates

    All the best.
    God bless you

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Teena Gambhir says:

    Wow!! Congratulations for your first blogging post. Your love for peanut butter is very impressive .. I have no doubt you will be very successful . I can’t wait to see what you do next πŸ™‚


    1. Thankyou bhabhi ❀


  7. Rimpi soni says:

    Congratulations beta n all the best for your superb ventureπŸŒΉπŸ’


  8. And I will be eagerly waiting for next one πŸ˜‹ this is so pure writing..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Prateek πŸ™‚ ❀


  9. Minakshi Mehndiratta says:

    Superb dear and God Bless you πŸ’―


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